labor milkshake

Thought I'd share and see if this works lol... I'm on baby #4 and my in laws and my family are in town this weekend sooo I thought I would give it a go! Lol (my husband is in the military so we live a couple states away) and I'm full term.... ANYWAYS! so with baby #3 I ate two whole pineapples the day before I went into labor... and then the morning about 10/11am of I took 2oz caster oil, pineapple, kiwi, mango and milk and made a shake.... went #2 like 3 times and then labor started about 1pm and had baby at 11:57pm.... so this time around I'm doing pineapple core smoothies.... two pineapple cores 10 dates milk and ice and see if anything happens wish me luck!