When should I start getting concerned?

I had pretty much given up on kick counts back at 35ish weeks because baby girl was active all of the time and, well, I just stopped thinking about it. Last appointment the midwife brought up that I should still be doing kick counts, morning and night, at least 10 kicks in 2 hours to attempt to prevent a still birth. Well as I sit here now I realize I have only felt her maybe 3 or 4 times this morning. (She's normally more active at night so before I wouldn't have thought about it). I haven't been too particularly active today, but Ive also not just been vegging around. (walked almost 3 miles yesterday to try to induce labor so today I've been just kind of putting around the house). I ate a big bowl of ravioli and two bowls of cereal, trying to wake her up and get her moving about an hour ago and so far nothing... I'm waiting on a call to the midwife but is there anything I can do that I possibly haven't thought of? (Tried laying on my side as well)