Induction before 41 weeks?


I'm 3 days away from my due date, I have my next appointment on Halloween. If baby isn't here by then my doctor said the next step is to get an ultrasound to see if hes grown too big. Then to talk about c section. The cap for that is 5,000 grams. Last time we checked 2 weeks ago he was 4,200-ish. I don't want a c section. I doubt hes grown that much in 2 weeks. Also it takes us over a week usually to get in for an ultrasound! I also don't want to be pregnant forever. I don't have any health issues that would call for induction, so she said 41 weeks is when they start thinking about that.

My question: can I choose to be induced sooner? Like at 40 and a half weeks maybe? Have anyone out there had an induction sooner just by choice?