Sorry baby daddy: long vent

I can't stand my baby daddy. We have a son together and I'm expecting a baby girl in 3 weeks. I was having unbearable pain this morning and thought I may be in labor so I called him to take me to the hospital. When I got admitted into the room this dude pulled 2 chairs together and went to sleep. I mean took shoes off got a blanket and was snoring. I was in agonizing pain and the nurses and doc was in and out trying to figure out what was going on with me. All the while he was knocked out. Turns out I have a kidney stone and bladder infection. I was sent home with antibiotics and pain meds. After a nap at home I got up and had to do dishes and clean trash cans bc I'd been vomiting before I left for the hospital and wasn't able to make it to toilet each time. This dude sleeping on the couch while I'm trying to clean up instead of helping me. Now I'm pissed like what was the point of him coming if he's not going to help. He wasn't any support when at the hospital and I was in pain and why stick around afterwards if you not going to help out around the house. He never contribute to anything. He doesn't help with our son financially and doesn't spend any time with him. He shows up once a month to give him a haircut. I provide all of my son needs and wants etc. and he had the nerve to get mad bc he tried to "borrow" a Xbox game from my son and I said no bc he never buys him anything he wants or needs, I'm the only one doing anything for him and he has borrowed games, dvds, etc and doesn't bring it back then I have to replace those things bc my son get upset. I struggle to provide the necessities and wants for our son on a part time job with all the bills and this dude still lives with mom has a good job and can buy his own games etc bc he doesn't do anything for us. Was it wrong for me to say no to him borrowing it? And am I wrong for thinking about not even calling him when I do go into labor? I don't want him there bc he's not going to be any support and just piss me off. He proved it today. If I need a ride I can call an ambulance bc that's basically all he did was give me a ride to the hospital. I'm so over this guy I really want him out of our lives, he's such a deadbeat.