TTC Cheat Sheet (TMI images)

Gunce • Head of research at Glow. Unwilling infertility expert. 2 kids after 6 IVF treatments.

One of my very good friends, who recently got married, is just starting her TTC journey. She is 38 and this would be their first baby together. She is a professional woman, busy, fit and healthy. To the best of her knowledge, she has pretty regular periods (but she has been on birth control pills for a long time.) She asked me to create her a cheat-sheet of TTC best practices. So I did and then I thought I would share.

A couple of caveats: I am not a doctor. Everyone’s case is different. This is just me giving advice to my friend. (Sorry it is so long!)


Hi Sweetie. Hope all is well. I am so excited to hear that you two are trying. I know how overwhelming it can get. So here is a step-by-step guide to your next 6 months. My goal was to have you spend the least amount of money and have the least amount of stress. If by the end of the six months you are not pregnant, I would most definitely speak to a fertility specialist. Hugs and kisses.



+ Download Glow  8-)

+ Start tracking your cycle. Log your symptoms. The first day of cycle is CD1.

+ Start taking over-the-counter prenatal vitamins. ($15-$30)+ Schedule an OB-GYN appointment for a pre-conception check-up. (Your doctor may give you prescription Prenatal.) Discuss any of your current medication with your doctor to see if it safe to take while pregnant or TTC.

+ Start drinking less than 2 cups of coffee a day. (Or soda if it has caffeine). 

+ No smoking. No drinking. No drugs. (That goes for both of you.)

+ Exercise in moderation (meaning don’t ramp up at this point, just keep doing whatever you’ve already been doing.)

+ Pick up a copy of “Taking Charge of Your Fertility.” Start reading it. ($17 on Amazon).

DAYS 2 – 7

Monitor the length and heaviness of your period. If it lasts too long (7+ days) or is too short (2 days or less) than that is worth mentioning to your doctor. If it is too heavy or very light, if it ‘can’t-get-out-of-bed’ hurts, if you have unexplained diarrhea during it, mention all this to your doctor as well.

DAYS 8 – Whenever your period comes next

+ Buy Pre-seed or the like. ($20) Stop using KY-jelly or other non-fertility friendly lubricants.

+ Enjoy sex (baby dancing) with your husband every other day, or even every day if you feel like it. Your position does not matter. You do not have to lie there afterwards, but you can if you want.

+ Concentrate on healthy living. Eat well. Go for walks. Do things you enjoy. Since you just got off of birth control, your cycle may be anywhere from 22 to 60+ days long. It would be A-MAZING if you got pregnant this first cycle, but it is best to keep your expectations low.

+ Buy pregnancy tests in bulk - I would go for a combo of Wondfo strips and First Response. About $60 should cover you for the next 6 months.

Total Spent: $120

Total Baby Dances (BD) necessary: 6 to 20x – depending on the length of your cycle. Have fun!


In your second month, it’s time to learn about cervical mucus. It sounds gross, but it’s really not. Your body secretes different amounts of fluids depending on where you are in your cycle. If you can identify the best one, then you can pinpoint the best time to have sex.

There have been entire chapters written about CM. Here is what it all boils down to in two steps:

1. Every evening, BEFORE you have sex, stick a clean finger into your vagina. Pull it out and examine the residue left on your finger under a light.

2. If it feels slippery, watery and stretchy and looks clear, then it’s go time. If it is clumpy, white or gooey – then feel free to have sex, but you are most likely not at optimal fertility.

This is fertile CM:

This is non-fertile CM:


Total Spent: $160 – You will need to replenish your Pre-seed ($20) and your prenatal vitamins ($20). 

Total # of BD necessary: 6 to 10 – as Glow should have a better idea of your fertile cycle by the second month.


By this point you should have finished the book “Taking charge of your fertility” and know why it is important to chart. Doing so is exceedingly simple:

1. Purchase a BBT thermometer from your drug store ($15). Make sure it has 2 digits after the decimal place.

2. Take your temperature every morning before you get out of bed.

3. Record it into Glow.

With any luck, you will see the rise in BBT that accompanies ovulation. Like so:

If you do not, this is yet another important thing to mention to your doctor at the end of cycle six.

Total Spent: $215 – Pre-Seed, Prenatals + your BBT thermometer.

Total # of BD necessary: 3 to 6 – one your temperature spikes and stay up, there is no need to continue having sex (other than for fun).


Ovulation prediction tests can be expensive, but they are also extremely helpful in pinpointing ovulation. If you can get a good deal, I would purchase a 3 month supply. 

Start using your OPKs as soon as your period ends. But you can stop once you get a positive. See if the positive matches your BBT spike and your fertile CM. If it does, this is a good sign. If it does not, this is yet another thing to mention to a fertility specialist should you need to at the end of your sixth cycle.

Total Spent: $320 – Pre-Seed, Prenatals + 3 months of OPKS (About $65)

Total # of BD necessary: 3 to 6 – By this point Glow should have a very good handle on when you ovulate, so just sticking to your fertile window should be sufficient.


By the start of your fifth cycle, you should be monitoring your BBT, your CM and peeing on all sorts of sticks. 

Cycle 5 on – the name of the game changes to “Stress management.” If you are anything like me, you will have all sorts of negative thoughts creeping in and nestling in your psyche: “What if something is wrong? What if? What if?"

STOP. Banish those thoughts. With this process, you absolutely must take things one day, one cycle at a time. I have found that it is beneficial to go away with your husband for a day or two during your fertile window. It does not have to be far or expensive – just a night away in a new setting can do wonders.

Total Spent: $560 – Pre-Seed, Prenatals + some time away ($200)

Total # of BD necessary: 3 to 6 – By this point Glow knows you inside and out, your fertile window should be very accurate.


On day 1 of your sixth cycle, call a recommended fertility specialist and make an appointment for the first few days of your next cycle. Add this to your calendar and with that weight lifted off of your shoulders, go ahead and enjoy a cycle of carefree fun with your husband.

Total Spent: $580 – Pre-Seed & Prenatals

Total # of BD necessary: As many as you can manage.

So, that’s it! Of course there are all sorts of other little tips and tricks, but Glow will tell you about them along the way. Be sure to click the tasks done so as to get the relevant insights. And LOG IN all of your symptoms. You might not think something is important – but Glow might tell you that it is. For example, did you know that having diarrhea during your period might be a sign of endometriosis? Well it is and Glow will point it out to you as long as you log it all in.

Yeay! I cannot wait to tell you all about <a href="">Nurture</a>, our <a href="">pregnancy app</a>! 

275k views • 3522 upvotes • 549 comments



Posted at
Wow! I am just starting the TTC process for the first time and this information is priceless. Thank you soooo much and I wish you and your friend the best of luck&nbsp;


Trisanna • Nov 26, 2019
Same here. First time ttc and this information was extremely detailed and helpful. Thank you❤️


Jamie • Aug 14, 2019
Ovulation predictor kit


Alex • Jul 30, 2019
What’s a opk


Posted at
These are great....but honestly if she&apos;s never ttc before and hasn&apos;t has fertility issues, I would just tell her to baby dance and have fun! All the stuff on this site is intimidating if you don&apos;t actually need to try that hard. She doesn&apos;t need to spend money on pre seed and ovulation tests if it&apos;s not necessary. My OB told me that she wouldn&apos;t even consider going all out with expensive purchases and tracking/charting unless we&apos;ve been trying for 6 months with no luck. Just tracking your ovulation and baby dancing should do the trick.


Sara • Aug 11, 2023
@sadie trying to conceive


Liz • Oct 11, 2021
Yes, I&#x27;m in that boat! After 4 years of contentedly using protection, we decided together to &quot;open the door&quot; so to speak. Our finances could be better and life has lots of unknowns, but we finally both have a peace about it and want to take the next step. We just so happened to open the door during my likely ovulation window, so I&#x27;m hyper-aware of everything now. Cutting back on caffeine, no alcohol, and so on until I know one way or the other. If I&#x27;m not pregnant, we&#x27;re going to take a season for me to try to drop more weight (my one real concern), as I&#x27;m about 30lbs overweight. Otherwise, it&#x27;s time for some relaxed baby dancing!


New beginnings • Feb 13, 2021
To do the deed or have sex


Posted at
I&apos;ve had the glow app for a year and glow had never gotten my fertility week right. Only when I use opks did I figure it out. I&apos;m now 6 weeks along today due to clear blue opks.


Bibi • Nov 8, 2020
I’m so glad I read this comment! Off to go buy just pre seed and OPK and BD!


Ashley • Jun 9, 2020
Same here!


Ashley • Jun 9, 2020
What your ovulation day before or what after glow suggested


Posted at
That&apos;s a lot of Verrry useful info. You covered it all, good luck to your friend


Posted at
Wow u are a nice person and friend, wish u have someone like u, ueven went as far as showing her ur cm. Gross but worth it


Tiffany • Oct 21, 2019
Ahhh so guilty!!!!


S • Nov 6, 2017
I find myself checking my cm and comparing to google images more than I’d like to admit... lol


Samantha • Jul 19, 2017


Posted at
Very helpful info thanks!!&nbsp;Wanted to mention that I just bought a pack of 100 OPK's for $23 on Amazon - you don't have to spend a ton on them! I also bought 20 pregnancy tests for like $7-8 on there - Amazon Prime is LIIFFEEEE


Valerie • Apr 29, 2019
I got 40opk and 10 pregnancy test for under $12 on there. Also used Wal-Mart prenatal gummies for $8,as pills made me wanna barf


Thea • Aug 30, 2017 search ovulation tests...


Brooke • Aug 20, 2017
can you post the links for these?


Posted at
Adding a saving money tip: substitute pre-seed for organic coconut oil!!! Works fantastic, even in the shower!!


Megan • Jan 31, 2021
Try Vitamin E oil! We used coconut oil for a year and I got BV 😭 so my OB recommended the Vitamin E and it’s awesome and cheap!


Princess • Jan 19, 2021
Hi which brand of iodine did u use ?


Rose🌹 • Dec 11, 2019
Wow,will try it.


Posted at
Wow this is so in depth! What a great friend you are.Being that structured is me to a t - but for a lot of people that can be overwhelming.The best advice I ever had was from my fertility specialist. She said you can track all you want but unless your using ultrasound to see ovulation it's still too easy to miss and even if you have regular cycles some cycles are just slightly different.The best thing to conceive in the shortest timeframe is regular sex. Her recommendation - sex every three days all cycle.After all the pressure from constant tracking this simple advice was a life saver - we got pregnant that cycle!


Sa • Feb 21, 2019
Have sex every 2-3 days from the end of your period to the start of your next period or a positive pregnancy test. The way you will always have healthy sperm waiting for that egg to be released.


Jessica. • Sep 4, 2018
I’m new. What does all cycle mean


Posted at
Thanks for sharing this.I have just joined and started tracking my first cycle, I couldn't understand all of the acronyms and short hand, and was overwhelmed with where to start and all the conversation threads.Greatly appreciated:)


Posted at
After cycle 8 of doing it all ya I was done with every lilThing!! Stress is a major factor ladies. It's so hard not to be sad n upset n stressed when you throw all this love and money info wanting a child. Watching everyone around you having children and going to events together. I took a break n now I feel like I can slowly get back to all the ins and outs. To the women who can do everything every day without flipping out you are my idols!!&nbsp;


Wendy • Jul 22, 2020
This is exactly how I feel!