being induced...

After a LONG stressful pregnancy full
Of puking my life away for the  first 6 months twice a day every day ( and its returned 😖), to high blood pressure issues since 27 weeks, carpal tunnel, unreal back pain to the point I can barely move but still have 3 other children so I HAVE to move, pregnancy acne, a million episodes of false labor, not being able to brush my teeth without gagging, having a "spit cup" the first 6 months because my mouth was constantly full of saliva, having that awful taste in my mouth like I had been chewing on coins,I mean everything under the freaking sun 😐.. my doctor is finally inducing me next week at 39 weeks. I can't wait for this to be over. Thankful for being able to get pregnant without problems and for my baby, but this pregnancy thing is DONE for me! Baby #4 hang my jersey from the ceiling, I'm RETIRED!!!  Those that bash being induced, I could care less about what you have to say I just want to be DONE!