Dating a best friend? ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ’•

So... I have had this guy best friend since high school. I'm now 22. He is the biggest sweetheart on this planet. I am attracted to him.. he isn't like BAM SEXY, but he's adorable and I like to look at him. We had a spark when we kissed once. We did used to be friends with benefits... so we had "friend sex".. so as far as the chemistry goes there, I'm not entirely sure. Because we haven't tried! Lol. I want to actually go on a real date with him and try to transition and see what happens.. I've dated so many assholes and I'm tired of it. I just want someone who cares about me, knows all of me and loves me for who I am. He seriously looks at me and treats me like I'm gold. I never gave him a chance before because I'm so shallow and thought he was too "nerdy" .. i also like the hard to get type. Idk why. I'm a dummy. Anyways.. any advice? Is this a good or bad idea? Any experiences?ย