Fighting my baby fever

Hey guys I just discovered this group and I'm so so happy I did. Knowing that other women are going through the same thing that I am is very helpful. 
So I've been having a bad baby fever for the past year now , I had it before but it would come and go ...
Now I just can't help it. 
I try to fight it but I just can't 
I'm 27 in a 3 year relationship, I would like to be at least engaged and my boyfriend to be 100% sure that he's ready for a baby. He wants one but I guess a lot of men play around the idea in their head before they make the decision and I respect that. 
I don't have anybody to share this with and I don't want to talk about it with my bf it's not the time and don't want to pressure him. 
How do you deal with your baby fever ? Why aren't you ttc ???