Help!!! question about postpartum bleeding (sorry if TMI)

I am curious about everyone else that is around 2 weeks PP-are you having any bleeding?
I am 15 days pp after a normal vaginal delivery, but I had some pregnancy complications that I've read can increase the chance of heavy bleeding. 
The bleeding all but stopped at around days 9-10, was light and only pink/brown. Sometimes it didn't even get on the pad, it was only there when I wiped. 
But NOW at 15 days, I am bleeding consistently bright and dark red blood (it is usually bright red after breast feeding with strong cramps) with small clots (nothing bigger than quarter sized). I have been trying to take it easy as I've read that increasing activity can make you bleed worse. I only have to change my pad every 4-6 hours. 
The only thing I'm worried about is that it was almost totally gone for a couple of days then it's come back pretty heavily for 3 days now and hasn't let up. 
Is this normal?