CRAZY PAIN IN LEFT BREAST.... help me!! ๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ˜–

PLEASE HELP! Any of you ladies get those sharp muscle spasms in your left breast!?! I am 6 weeks postpartum and for the last two weeks these sharp pain inside of my breast and burning nipple sensation and painful to the touch breast kinda like a stinging feeling....HAS BEEN KILLING ME!!!!! Like OMG makes me lose my breath and want to punch someone in the face at the same time painful like I've never experienced!! This is my second child and never ever experienced anything remotely close to this level of pain while breastfeeding my 1st.. Thankfully after some prayer, research and Doctor apt.. I found out I've been having muscle spasms! YAY ME! SIKE.... I thought I had some sort of infection from what I researched online myself lol... Sooo I'm happy I do not have an infection, howeve my doctor is like these will just go away and I'm like when..?? Has anyone else experienced this?? What have you done to help it?