STORY TIME! How did you find out you were pregnant?

So I'm due for AF tomorrow and I wanted to pass some time with story time! I'm wondering how you ladies found out you were pregnant? Did you expect it? Is there an unusual symptom that gave it away? Tell me all about it!
Here's my story! (Sorry it's so long... feel free to skip it lol)
I'm 26 now but this happened when I had just turned 22. I never really kept track of my periods prior to this nor was I expecting to get pregnant. The only reason I even really thought to test was kinda strange and not something I have ever seen anyone talk about. Usually when I'm around 2-3 days away from my period I get awful cramps immediately after an orgasm. It's always been this way and it was pretty much the only way I knew for sure my period was on it's way.
So it was a week after my birthday. I had no symptoms that I can remember, but I know I was super stressed because my boyfriend and I were not talking at the moment. I was by myself at home and started doing some self pleasuring. When I finished, nothing happened. I didn't get any cramps. So I thought back to when my last period was. I kind of had a little calander set up in my mind of the previous weeks events since my boyfriend and I hadn't been getting along. I realized I was almost a week late from when I should have started my period. So I could have been wrong since I never really kept track. I kind of put it in the back of my mind until the next day.
I wasn't talking to my boyfriend but I continued taking his roommate to work because we were friends before. I went to the house to pick him up and when he got in the car he handed me a cigarette. I told him I probably shouldn't smoke and he says "why, are you pregnant?" I just kind of looked at him for a second. He says hang on and goes back inside. He comes back out and hands me a pregnancy test.
This is actually an amusing side story as to why he had a pregnancy test on hand.
So he was sleeping with this girl and her and her friend would stay at his house a lot. Turns out they went to Walmart to STEAL PREGNANCY TESTS JUST IN CASE. Instead of stealing condoms (which is still bad) they stole pregnancy tests... about two weeks later she gave him chlamydia and her and her friend both ended up getting pregnant in the next year. I always felt bad for him because he had horrible taste in girls. But anyway back to the story...
I dropped my friend off at work and I started heading to my job. I kept looking down at the test curious if I really needed it. I really couldn't wait to know. I had about a half hour before my shift started so I stopped at Walmart (I guess that tests life had gone full circle lol) I had to pee so I brought the test with me. I was alone in the bathroom and locked myself in the stall. I peed on the stick and set it down. I watched as the urine soaked the strip and an immediate two pink lines showed right up. I had no idea what to think. I was obviously pregnant but how?
Turns out the very last time my boyfriend and I had sex, which was right before our big argument, he didn't pull out in time. That was the day I had ovulated and that did it for me. I was scared and nervous and didn't know what to do. I texted his roommate and said "it was positive." Luckily he was there when I had to tell my near ex boyfriend. At first he was angry but later on warmed up to the idea. He and I didn't stay together but were willing to co parent.
A week after my BFP, I was at work when I noticed cramps. I talked to my manger who had three kids and she said thats normal. When I went to the bathroom to make sure nothing was wrong, I noticed spotting. She let me leave to get it checked out.  I hadn't had my first appointment yet so this was my first sonogram. I was still super early so they did an internal exam. I saw my little bean flashing on the screen. So tiny. The flashing was the heartbeating and that was reassuring to see. They said everything looked normal, gave me a copy of my first sono and sent me on my way. I was excited to show everyone!
The next morning, I didn't feel right. I knew something was wrong. I got up and there it was, my shorts and bed were soaked in blood. I rushed to the door to get to the bathroom and THE HANDLE BROKE OFF. I couldn't get out. I threw he handle at my boyfriend and fell back into bed with tears filling my eyes. He didn't know what was going on so he got cranky and yelled at me for breaking the door. He got up and tried fixing it. He had to climb through the window. He couldn't get the door open so now I have to crawl theough the window, bleeding all over and crying. Not fun. I made it to the bathroom and when I wiped a got a huge chunk of tissue. It was almost a ball. I didn't know if that was my child or not, but I wanted to keep it because I knew it was over.
I got my blood drawn, and for three days sat by the phone not knowing for sure what was happening. Was I still going to be a mom? I got the call and there it was, the nurse said I'm so sorry and said it was a confirmed miscarriage.
Although my story doesn't have a happy ending, it's still my story. I wasn't happy with that boyfriend and I wasn't happy with my life at the time. I didn't need to have a child, especially with someone who mentally, emotionally and physically abused me for months. It was a sad expirience and one I hope I never have to go through again, but it made me who I am today. It makes me hopeful that next time I get those two pink lines, it's because it was meant to be!
Thanks for hearing my story! Please leave yours below, long or short, happy or sad, I will read them all ❤️