comments husband makes almost daily, drives me crazy! does your SO do this too?

Does anyone else's SO always blame you when they loose something? My husband always says, "where did you put my...?" Every time he misplaces something. Today my husband moved his razor to the other bathroom because we had guests coming and I saw him do it so knew where it was, made a note of it then later when he went to shave, honey where did you move my razor?! All in a panic like I threw it out or something... I calmly answer in the other bathroom then he goes on to blame me for the time wasted looking for it. I've given up trying to get him to see that he has poor memory hahaha. Will be interesting when we are 90 haha.
Another one is he will be looking for something and blames me for everything being disorganized and the item is right in front of him. I just keep repeating, in the drawer next to blah blah. I just laugh to mysepf, this happens daily. 
Anyone else experiencing this? What are some things your guy does that you think, such a guy thing!