no relationship

Everyone I know has a lover, some of my friends have been with theirs for years and I've always been the single one. I'm so over it, I don't know what I do wrong. They all have their own best friends and I call them my bestfriend but their boyfriends are theirs. I just feel so lonely in both senses. People say my turn will come soon but I've been told that for years now. I'm just so unhappy and the one guy I've ever loved hasn't talked to me in a year. Just one day he decided he was bored and never talked to me again. It still hurts. So basically it never worked out with him and I still miss him sometimes. I haven't met anyone who makes me feel like he did and he wasn't even good to me. All my friends boyfriends are so sweet and thoughtful to them and I just feel like I deserve that too? Everybody does. It just sucks cause all my friends have their own lives and I'm just by myself on the weekends sometimes when they're out on dates. They never want to go to parties or places where I can meet guys because it would be disrespectful to their boyfriends. I don't know what's wrong with me. I feel like I'm nice, I mean I think I'm somewhat pretty, I'm smart, I work out. My friends have had multiple bfs in the past few years and I've always been the third wheel. How do I change this I want to be in love but with someone who actually cares about me