My husband

Is really starting to piss me off.

Every time we go somewhere he tells EVERYONE that he is really upset that our daughter cries when he holds her, like it's really devastating to him.

She recently starting letting him hold her longer without tears but he still NEVER holds her.

I have her all day and I ebf so I also have her all night. He will only hold her if I ask and only for a few mins. When I'm done what I need to do he hands her back, saying "she wants you" even if she's not crying.

Then when we go out he pretends like he's this great dad that wants to hold her all the time. He even took her off my mom the other day. He can see her anytime he wants but my mom can't. When we visit my mom she holds her almost the whole time and I love it because the baby is being loved and I can relax for a while.

I can barely take a shower! He'll try to give her back before I even get my clothes on.


I don't complain to anyone about how much work she is, or how much she cries and how "hard" it is for me because she's a baby, babies cry, and also because she is my daughter and I adore her and she's not "work" she's love.