thinking too much?

FTM here... My daughter will turn 2 months on the 18. She hasn't been out unless it's for her appointments or taking her to my in laws that are only about a 10-15 minute drive. My husband's extended family is going to have a late Thanksgiving dinner on the 26 and wants us to come (which so far we agreed to). They live a little over an hour from us and literally every time we go there it's a LONG day because we have to pick up my in laws who live in the opposite direction of the way of we're going then when we get to the city where his cousins live, they like to shop around and those shops are at least a 20 minute drive from where his cousins are. Coming back, we have to drop off one his aunts who lives on the opposite side of the city before we can drop off his other aunt and my parents in law which is why I say it's a LONG day. My concern is that I feel like it's too much for baby's first time out (his family has met our baby and they have kids themselves so I'm not worried about their interaction with her, his cousins are great and I love them!). I really want to our baby out but I'm also torn..I'm thinking one way to resolve it is to tell our in laws that we're going  straight away to his cousin's house (they go to the shops because we're already there not because they really need anything). 
Am I just worrying too much? And if we do go, I would love some tips on how to make sure our baby is comfortable, etc