For all of you ladies worried about egg retrieval & their outcome!

Carley • Happily married & expecting baby #1 in April via IVF🙏🏼🍼❤️

This is a post for all of you ladies who are worried about egg retrieval or your current egg retrieval outcome. Numbers simply don't matter. When they say quality over quantity they aren't saying it to make you feel better they're saying it because it's the truth. 

Case and Point: I am a healthy 26 year old with unexplained infertility, supposed to have tons of great healthy eggs, should respond to stims with no problem right? Well wrong. I only stimmed 5 mature follicles. I thought okay no big deal 5 eggs isn't the worst. Egg retrieval day comes and I wake up from anesthesia and get the news they only got THREE EGGS. THREE FREAKING EGGS ARE YOU KIDDING ME!?!? I just spent over 13k and stabbed myself for 12 days to get three eggs??!?!?? Needless to say I balled my eyes out and begged for ICSI because I wanted to make sure they all fertilized. The doctor actually recommended against it. He said if you were my daughter and your husbands sperm is healthy let them do what they're going to do. For the next 24 hours I was a wreck but all three fertilized. I then again begged for a day three transfer to give us what I thought would be better odds but was again advised against it. So day 5 came and I was left with two. Only one was blastocyst the other was slightly behind. We put back both and prayed.

5 days past transfer I got those two pink lines. When my first ultrasound came up only one stuck. I am now 18 weeks with our little baby girl. Ladies, if I can tell you anything it's not to stress. I wish I would have saved myself all the tears and anxiety and stress I went through from the moment I woke up after ER to my beta test. I thought there's no way in hell this cycle is working with that little eggs. NEVER EVER EVER LOOSE HOPE! I hope this helps even one woman feel better about their situation. Lots of love and baby dust!