2nd pregnancy anxiety help!!

Hi ladies just a quick question it may sound silly but here's my story I'm 24 own our own house me and fiancee have great jobs really are set up for life after our wedding in June 17 we already have a 5 year old son and I am due our baby girl in 2 days (saturday) and I am feeling great physically but emotionally I am a mess I feel like my life is about to change forever (obviously it is) but i can't explain the way I feel my whole routine is up in the air I'm worried about labour even though my first labour was amazing and quick I'm worried about everything. I was not like this the first time and we were no where near as sorted as we are now! The fact as well this baby took us 9 months to concieve after I fell pregnant on the pill with our son should make a difference but I just wonder is this normal for 2nd time mothers??