Help please ...



New to the app, only download yesterday. I just wanted some advice if possible. Came of BC 3 months ago. Tracked my last 2 AF's as 07/09 for 5 days and 05/10 for 5 days.

Should have come on either yesterday or today by my calculations, but do understand that AF could be tricking me.

My question is.... Since Sunday I've had period pains, that heavy dull ache came on Sunday night when I knew I'd be coming on.... But Monday morning came and there was no blood. Had what I can only describe as milder than usual period cramps every day since but ZERO blood. My boobs aren't overly sore, did feel a slight stabbing pain in the left one last night for about 10 seconds. I've had very mild headaches every day, currently have a weird stabbing and generally uncomfortable feeling on the right side of my tummy. Been eating nothing but crap for about 2 weeks and my appetite is so weird. Always hungry.

Took a pregnancy test last night, was a cheap one and came back negative. Not even a flicker of a second line.

I'm thinking I should wait over the weekend and test again?

Can anyone relate to me? I don't want to do my head in thinking about it.... Haha. Thanks in advance 😊😊😊