Eating enough?

So, my daughter is 10 weeks old and I have been EPing since she was about two weeks old due to latch issues (whole other wonderful story 😑). She has been eating 2.5 oz since she was about 4 weeks old and hasn't really needed any more milk than that. She's gaining weight well (10lbs 11oz) and is in the 36th percentile for her weight since she was born at 36 weeks and weighed 6.1lbs at birth. Recently, my parents came to visit and my mom has not gotten off of my case that she's not eating enough.  I calmly told her over and over that she barely finishes the 2.5 oz and I didn't think she was ready to start taking more. Well, I upped her bottles to 3 oz to appease my mother and she really doesn't finish the 3 oz often, and normally leaving an ounce in the bottle. Should I be worried that she's not getting enough, or is it okay to let her eat the little amount she does. She eats every 2-3 hours round the clock, and while I would love for her to start sleeping longer stretches at night, I cannot force her to eat more to make that happen. Also, I make barely enough milk to fill her 3oz bottles. Any suggestions or thoughts?