Exhausted momma venting

I'm so tired and so lost on what to do with my LO. He is on alimentum for a milk protein allergy and omperazole for reflux. He has been a fussy baby and horrible sleeper since about 5-6 weeks. (The first few weeks weren't terrible) around 5-6 weeks is when all hell broke lose and he stopped sleeping and started crying all the time. Evetually we figured out the milk allergy and reflux issues and he started sleeping better. He would sleep about 4-5hrs when he first went down then up every 2-3 after that. Not great but amazing compared to how he was. That lasted a whole month or so and then 4 months happened and we are back to square one. The longest stretch of sleep I get is 2hrs. He's usually up every 1-2hrs from the time he goes down until morning. He eats great throughout the day and only eats once over night. It's like he just can't stay asleep and can't fall back asleep without me. He goes down around 7pm by himself. We do our bedtime routine and I lay him down. He falls asleep within 20 mins of being down. So he's able to go to sleep on his own. I've tried letting him fuss but he just works himself up so much and at that point there is no stopping it until I pick him up. I know other mommas are in the same boat as me so I'm mostly just venting but if anyone has anything helpful I'd be so appreciative! 😩😢