Anybody else get irritated cause your partner's

Anybody else get irritated cause your partner's work schedule sucks and you feel like your basically doing the mom thing all on your own most of the time (Sundays hes off but still mostly me🙄) I know he's providing financially but I'm literally doing everything else. He doesn't know how draining this non stop mom, house slave 24/7 job is. He gets back so late, it's just me all dam dayyyyyyyy. I'm just so tired. & I love being a mom and watching them grow but it's like the same shit every single day. Same dishes over and over, same routines😫when I tell him I need a little break he doesn't get it through his head that MY JOB NEVER ENDS! with kids 24/7. Never any time to myself. Ughhhhhh sorry just flustered & so tired I feel my job title should be slave lol