Strangers kid touching my kid

The other day I was at the DMV getting my sticker for my license plate. I sat down and took my 6 month old out and she was sitting on my lap. This Spanish lady came over with her 1-2 year old as soon as she walked in and was fascinated with my baby. Her daughter wanted to hold her hand and started touching my daughters face and I'm like ..."no"and I remove her hand from my daughters face. Right now my daughter is sick and I didn t feel comfortable at all with this stranger mingling with my daughter. And they smelled musky and i got a wiff of crap smell. I dont mean to be mean but...They eventually left and told me she was adorable. Well instead of sitting down and waiting they walked around the room and came back over. Again touching her hands and face..not knowing what to do. It was very awkward for me and I just didn't know what to do or how to react. They left again and I reached in my bag for a wipe and wiped her face and hands. They saw. I felt really bad, because I think they took it wrong. And they didn't come back over. I just want to know how you ladies would have felt in a situation like this and how y'all word react to strangers and their kids touching your kids.