Switched BC; Spotting or AF?

Lindsay • 🏝❤️🐾

Hey ☺ Happy 2015 everyone! Question for ya. I was on Ortho-Cept birth control pills for the last year or so (been on different brands prior to that). My period should be next week, going by that. It comes like clockwork obviously.

I got the nexplanon implant Dec 19 and was surprised to find blood yesterday. Thankfully saved my cute undies, haha, but I'm not sure if I should chart it as my period or as spotting.

I put my Diva Cup in and didn't collect much. It was all very dark. Got some from overnight too with no color change, dark brown.

I'm just not sure what to call this, I've never swapped BC except to switch pills and I've never experienced spotting at all. Either way, I'm keeping a diary of my experience with the implant to share later if people are on the fence about it and want some insight, so I've taken notes. Just curious what you think I should "tell" Glow. ☺ Thanks!