Should I break up???

Okay so me and my SO been together for 2 yrs we recently had a baby in April but unfortenaly she passed away 2 days later now I've read that most of couples will have separate ways after the loss of a baby but I was determined to work it out!!!
For about a few months we been fighting almost everyday for stupid things!!!!
I been trying to work it out but I don feel happy anymore I should say he is a great guy does everything for me and for a long time I thought it was me just being depressed but now I just think that it is our relationship !!
We been ttc but I been avoiding intercourse with him since idk if that's the best choice for me right now!!!
Last night he left to spend New Years with his family and I didn't go got mad and he ended up coming home because he said that was not his new year resolution to spend it away from me but stillwe didn't interact let alone be intimate!!!
Just don't know what to do........

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