Anxious to announce, need advice.

Taylor • Married. Brooks born 8/2015. Baby Eleanora Quinn due May 2018. 💞
So, I'm currently 8+2 with my husband and I's first. I've had no pregnancies/mc's before, and it took us one month, to get pregnant. I had a scan at 7+1, to check for viability because of cramping and a really shitty doctor in the ER that made something normal seem horrible. We saw the heartbeat (142) and baby measured right on track. Though seeing that heartbeat only held me over for 3-4 days before I became worried again.. I feel like everywhere I turn for support on apps and forums, there's always mc and mmc stories that have officially scared the crap out of me. My next appt is at 10 weeks, they'll check the HR with a Doppler, and I'm not sure when my next scan will be. 
Husband has been so anxious and excited to announce publicly (our close friends and family know) and I told him I would probably choose to do that if everything at our 10 week was still looking good. Now, I think about it more and am driving myself to think we should wait until we know the sex, or something. I feel like I've made myself paranoid to where I'm not fully able to enjoy being pregnant yet. I turn somewhere for support and someone always jumps in saying they thought everything was fine but then they MC'd. Am I normal for being worried? Or just insane.. I had general anxiety before becoming pregnant, and I'm not laying around having panic attacks over this, or getting to the point where I'm posing a threat emotionally to where it could hurt the baby. Just seemingly typical paranoia. I've been symptomatic, only had nausea for about two weeks-it dwindled off in the last couple of days. Is anyone else feeling scared to put it out there? So much of me wants to shout it from the mountain tops, but then I get scared if I do I'll jinx it or something crazy. 😞 but then I feel like maybe if it's announced, I'll allow myself to be more excited. 
These apps and forums are a blessing and a curse. Though I know mc's are a very real possibility with any pregnancy, I wish there was a way for me to filter any posts about them out of these apps while I search or browse, I feel like all it does is scare me more.