2am rantings (no sleep, nipples, husband, poo)

When it's 2am and you've been rocking your baby back to sleep after an hour of nipple crunching nursing and then you finally get the urge to poo... You're so tired you could cry, but those stool softeners finally kicked in and you've got to make the decision to either crawl back in bed (where you really want to be), or give it a go on the toilet.

I put an iffy baby down, and went to the bathroom... only to be slapped with regret shortly after as the baby started screaming with the will to wake the entire house.

There's a special sort of sadness reached when you're insanely tired, sore, and can't even get 2 minutes to do something your husband proudly takes 45 minutes to do on a daily basis (sometimes several times per day). Why won't this baby sleep?

2am rant over.