Any advise on how to help a 6 week old baby sleep and deal with an immature husband.

So I have 2 issues my baby loves cuddles and so do I! But now she is getting so heavy to be on my chest, belly and arms to sleep on, I need her to be sleeping on her own. I have a next to me crib and have bought her a certain mattress to help her reflux. She has slept on it twice or three times but she struggles badly with her startle reflex. She would fling her legs and arms up, that it wakes her up. After that she would refuse to go back. I've swaddled her, and that helps but when she wakes up she refuses being put back in it!

Unfortunately my husband doesn't share the load that much, except when he finally takes notice that I need sleep (I've asked him multiple times- he just brushes it off, says that he can't do it and the baby prefers mummy. Yay me.) After 2 weeks of asking him and him bluntly refusing to feed the baby with express milk for me to sleep, I've finally convince him to do it. Still after 5 minutes of trying he gave up and woke me up to feed.

So i tried with the bottle with our baby and she was crying, but she just needed to get used to it, and finally took from the bottle after a few minutes! ANYWAY. Hubby just sleeps and wants the baby when she's happy and complains when all she does is cry on him... And he had been trying to push for our dog to sleep with us all in our bed with a baby in the night ( I've refused and told him no, and he'd give me the silent treatment and grumble under his breath!) so I gave up and allowed the dog to sleep until one day I complained cause the dog jumped on us whilst we were sleeping and landed on baby which gave her a bit of a bruise, now the dog sleeps in her bed in the night again. (I'm raging with anger remembering all these.) I have also started to help our baby girl to differentiate night and day and talked my husband through my plan of her bed time routine, keeping things quite at night, not stimulating her by making eye contact or talking to her and putting her in the crib at a certain time. He agrees and when its time to do it, I remind him of it and he gets ticked off and says he wants to spend time with the baby and that she's used to all the noises whilst she was still in the belly. (Honestly I don't even know why I married him.) He would also take all the bed, knowing the baby sleeps with us! And when I ask if she can sleep on his side as I need a break he covers her with the duvet and I wake up panicking! Anyway, I've stopped relying on him to help and don't even want it anymore as it's just extra work and stress on my part. I actually envy other dad's around us who I hear and see loves to help and get involve and give their wife a break!

Anyway, that's why I need to have the baby sleep in her crib.