Are your period cramps unbearable after MC?

Jaimi • Jaimi. 28 years old. Herb is DH. 16 month old daughter Evelyn. Pregnant with #2. 9/23/17
I had my miscarriage one year ago this month and ever since then my cramps on the first day of my period are absolutely horrible. It's only the first day that it happens and for a couple hours. Last night I was supposed to go to my father in laws birthday dinner at a really fancy resturant and couldn't even bring myself to suck it up. I tried a hot bath. Pain relief (ibuprofen, later took midol) 
Why is this? Is there anything I can do to change this? I know birth control helps but were TTC now. I just hate the pain. I was in tears for over an hour yesterday they hurt so bad. 

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