what's going on??

Melissa • 19, second baby on the way
So Saturday I spent 3 hours in L&D because I was having contractions every 4 minutes. I wasn't dialated when I got there, and three hours later still wasn't dialated, but was still having contractions. (I'm 34+1 today) I'm had a constant dull back ache in my lower back everyday since then, and a few times a day I'll get this pressure really low it feels like baby is trying to squeeze out. But today things changed a bit and I'm not sure if I should call the doctor or not. My back ache is worse today, and I've had a constant stomach ache. No nausea, but I've had loose bowel movements, and a terrible head ache. Baby has still moved a little, but he barely moves at all. Even when I lay down or drink something or try to eat something. Any advice would be appreciated, or if anyone has had anything like this please lmk what it turned out being?