Caring for new nipple piercing.

Hello everyone, I have a question about how to take care of new nipple piercing, mine are two weeks old today. When I got the piercings done the guy told me to do nothing but sea salt soaks to clean my piercings 2-3 times a day for 3-5 minutes. I am down to once a day. Any more than that and they get super dry, itchy, and uncomfortable. They don't seem to be infected, they look normal. Wondering if I should be doing something different? If there are other things I can to more than once a day to keep them clean without drying them out? I've read things like adding tea tree oil to the soaks but I know tea tree oil drys me out. So idk. I am never sure what's safe and what isn't. I want these puppies to last 🤘🏻 Thanks again for any input you can give me, much appreciated 😊