I'm scared..

Hi ladies I have a little worry in my mind right now.. I know no one wants to see these topics but I'm scared and I need advice or reassurance... I am 16 , almost 17 and I had sex on December 16 (9% risk of preg), and December 27 (3% risk), my (both protected with condom) my last period ended on December 9... I was due for my period on Friday and now my period is 2 days late... I'm scared bc usually Glow is never wrong about my period dates... Even tho both days were protected, the thought is still in the back of my mind bc I don't know how to get my hands on a pregnancy test or anything, I have no way of getting to a store and I can't tell my parents unless I know for sure. I would just love advice or any comments with experience would be greatly appreciated... Thank you