incase anybody cared...

So I have just got my bfp tonight! 
A lot of people on here always make posts asking what symptoms and stuff where before a bfp so here is mine.
I'm 22 and already have a beautiful 3 year old little girl. 
My and my other half have been ttc number 2 for a year.
I am 11 dpo today and my period was due to come on Tuesday the 15th. 
Over the past year we have tried using 3 different brands of the cheap strip ovulation tests and although they work for some people they where useless for me! I could never guess when I was ovulating and never knew when I had a positive! So this cycle I bought the clearblue digital dual hormone ovulation test and it has worked! So I would highly recommend that for people who have trouble with the cheap strip tests. 
I got my peak on the 31st of October and we baby danced that night and the next and that was all! Only once each day at night time. 
I did a pregnancy test at 9dpo which came out completely negative and didnt do another until tonight (11dpo).
Now for symptoms, i can not be 100% certain these are all pregnancy related but this is what I had/have: slight cramps nothing really painful at all, headaches, tiredness, loads of watery cm, sore throat, thirsty, slight back pain. 
Also I wanted to add that the day I got my peak i checked my cm and it was no where near raw egg white or stretchy it was creamy and sticky. 
If there is anything else anyone would like to no feel free to ask :) 
I'm so excited to be pregnant with my second baby ❤️ due July 2017!