Should i go back in to hospital?

I woke up to pee at 12:30 AM this morning and there was blood. Not mucus-y, like a light period day blood. No contractions but strong pressure in cervix area. Called on call doctor who reassured me that it should be fine for now unless the bleeding would get heavier. Tried going back to sleep but couldn't because of the discomfort. Contractions started around 1:30 or 2 AM. Went to the hospital around 3-4 AM bc contractions consistently 6-7 minutes apart, and as of Wed I was already at 4 cm so doctor said I don't need to wait till 5 min like they usually recommend. I was still at 4 cm and my water hasn't broken. They had me wait around for an hour. On call doctor then told nurse that i can be discharged without checking my cervix again. Left hospital around 5 AM. Also, had blood a couple other times since then - once right before they checked my cervix and then again before I left the hospital. Nurse said my contractions may be stronger/closer bc of her checking my cervix for a couple hours. It's now about 8 AM and I'm averaging about 3-4 minutes between contraction start times, and 30-60 seconds duration. I feel stupid going back in so soon but this is NOT fun. I'm trying to get some rest like the nurse recommended but it's impossible. Is this still an effect of going in earlier, or is it time to go back to the hospital?

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