feel like giving up.

The short version. 
Did the BD in December 2015 a lot and I believe we conceived around NYE. My cycle was pretty normal also. Well I had all the symptoms (fatigue and especially breast soreness) but didn't pay attention bc I usually get weird breast sensations since my reduction 7 yrs ago and my biopsy. So we kept on to our normal sex lives. Oh and btw we weren't trying then. I had given up. 
So after missed AF in Jan I decided to get tested during my yearly exam and surely we were prego. About 4 weeks then. 
Sadly though we lost our little baby on 2/9. We were 💔 and still deal with it.
Well after that 4-6 wk period of bleeding we immediately started trying but not as frequent. We'd only BD around 2-3 days before the big O and just like clock work my symptoms would start around the time AF was to come but nope she'd show her ugly face. 
We both want a baby our own as I have 2 older children and he as well. But we want OUR little bundle. I'm starting to lose faith and think maybe I will never get prego again. 
I don't know that I'm looking for a response or just to vent my heart since I can't talk to him about this as we still feel bad from our loss