Don't know what to do😥

I'm 30 weeks and a day pregnant and my boyfriend and I live with my dad. If I eat more than 1 meal a day my dad says I'm eating too much. I'm not eating excessively. Normally a meal a day and a sandwich or two a day. He says I can't use pregnancy as an excuse to eat. I'm not getting full. The only time I get full is when I go to my moms and he complains if I go there too much. My doctor told me to eat more but if I do my dad gets mad. He even gets mad if I drink too much. I probably go through 6 gallons of milk a month. But 4 and a half of those are off my WIC! He also feels the need to eat all my WIC  food and leave me with nothing! I'm at the point I don't even want to eat anymore because of him but my boyfriend gets mad if I don't. I'm just not sure what to do