Super painful Braxton hicks

shawn • Mom of 2. My family is everything.
So today was my maturity shoot, we met the lady at a school, she told us she had needed gas and I needed to pee really bad, and we were supposed to follow her anyways because we didn't know where we were going. So when I got our of our car and went to go pee my ribs started hurting a very mild pain, then 2 minutes pass by and it's getting more intense and stronger. A few more minutes it's my ribs, stomach and lower back that all hurt and it's just getting stronger and spreading. This place is like 16 minutes away which feels like half an hour at this point because of the pain, they hadn't stopped once exept in my back they would stop and come back in like 5 minutes and go again for awhile. I decided to push down the seat and lay on my side see if that helped, it was trying but they just got more intense, and I just start sweating so I asked my fiancé to blast the a/c that I was super hot, it kind of cooled me down, we get to the lake/Park area. And he turns off the car, I open the door right away sweating again. Probably after 2 minutes of just lying there the photographer had asked if I drank water yet today, I relized I had not so I start drinking water wait a few minutes still in pain with the back, ribs, and stomach. Then I start coughing because I felt like I was going to vomit, so I asked my fiancé to massage my lower back that it's really hurting, and after a minute of that I put my legs out side of the car and leaned forward and threw up. I felt all fine until I went pee then it all started. Has anyone had Braxton hicks this intense. I wasn't dizzy or anything just all the things that we going on made me sick. I'm 33 weeks and 4 days. Calling my doctor tomorrow too