I need my mom to understand

So, I don't get along with my husbands family. Never have since we've been together. They're fault, not mine. They've never wanted to accept or acknowledge our relationship. I don't put up with people who create drama, no matter who they are. My mentality is you give me a reason to cut you out of my life, I'll take it. During the entire pregnancy we probably received about four phone calls from them and that's because someone reminded them to do it and now they're trying to kiss my ass to get into the delivery room and hospital while I'm in labor. In of the 12 years we've been together I've barely even gotten a hello from them and this year they called to say happy birthday. Please, it's going to talk a little more than that after how they've treated me for the past few years. I've told my mom that I don't want any of them present while I'm in labor, she disagreed with it at first but understood after I explained my reasoning. But now she's telling me that I HAVE to involve these people in my sons life and my husband and I have already decided they are to have minimal contact with him. I know my mother is doing it because she knows how it feel to have a grandchild be away from you, but these are toxic people that I want to keep my son away from not near. She's already talking g about inviting them over for Christmas when I told her my husband and I agreed this year we are going to not visit them with the baby. Again I told her, this is our decision. She doesn't know these people like I do and I just need her to understand that I'm not deciding this because I'm an awful mean person, but because I honestly feel like it's my responsibility as a mother to keep my baby away from people who will bring nothing but negativity.