Symptom rants!! ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ˜

Ladies, pregnancy is no easy breezy process. We experience a sh*t ton of things that are just plain out weird/gross/crazy etc. and although our husbands deal with it- they really don't truly understand..ย 
Share how far along you are, and anything you've been experiencing lately that you just need to rant about without feeling guilty. Making a baby is beautiful, but it's a dirty job! Lolย 
Me? I am 9 weeks along! The gas i'm having could take out a horse, I take 3 bites of something and I bloat up like a balloon, i'm having face/chest acne like a freaking 16yr old all over again.. oh and my hair constantly looks wet due to the nice permashine I have (grease)๐Ÿ˜‘