Misscarriage and still no period? - UPDATE - BFP

I found out I was pregnant on 17/10/16. On the 19/10/16 I had brown discharge - went to the womens hospital who confirmed it was old blood and my cervix was closed. 
The bleeding then got worse on 21/10/16 I was passing dark blood and clots. I went to the hospital on 26/10/16 for an internal scan and they could find no heartbeat, no sac. 
They drawn blood from me the hcg level was 12. I went back on 28/10/16 for more blood tests and the hcg level was 5.5 they confirmed I lost the baby. To date I have still not had my period. 
Is this normal or should I have had it by now or Should I test again for pregnancy?
So took a test this evening and it came back positive!🙊❤️