Rough Ultrasound?

Clarissa • Mama
So Saturday I went into L&D because I hadn't felt Baby in almost two days (they were all very nice and did not make me feel bad about going in- in case anyone out there is worried about that. Don't wait that long though).
Of course they put the monitoring belts on, but the doctor also ordered an external ultrasound.
The tech was friendly but in a sarcastic "I have to be like this" way and she was SO. ROUGH. I've had kind of a lot of US for this pregnancy and every tech has told me I'm "easy to photograph." I'm now on the second day since the US and my stomach still feels bruised. It seriously hurts to move around! Getting out of bed was already difficult-now that it hurts it's nearly impossible! It's been hurting since the procedure! Before I was just uncomfortable but this HURTS.
She was jabbing the image thing into me and (even though the baby was moving) she would shove the machine as hard as possible into me and shake it around like a washing machine. 
Why would that even be necessary?? She was getting the readings she needed! Like-I always watch to count things and I could see what she was doing.
Has anyone else had this?? I'm like worried about Baby from all of the shaking!
Good news is she confirmed that we're having a girl, lol. Last time our tech wasn't fully sure, lol.