I stopped taking the pill two cycles ago after about 5 years. I got my period immediately after, but this time I'm six days late. I've taken two pregnancy tests two days ago and they were both negative! Not even a hint of the second line. I'm kinda freaking out because my boobs hurt a lot, I'm peeing all the time, and I have thick, milky discharge. A lot more than I've ever had. I have one more pregnancy test left but I'm not sure if I should try or if it's something else completely and I'm missing it.
Am I pregnant??? I'm so worried.....
Edit: my bf and I did have sex a few times around when <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android.eve">eve</a> said I would ovulate. We absolutely did use a condom every time so whyyyyyyyyy