Sick of Not Being Able to Sleep

I'm 7 weeks and a few days and I haven't had a good night's sleep in 3 weeks.  I go to bed every night with a stomachache, wake up every night having to pee, can usually fall back asleep, but then wake up again early in the morning with gas and a stomachache.  This happens EVERY night.
I'm also a back sleeper, and I have been trying to sleep on my side, but I wake up uncomfortable and with an aching back multiple times throughout the night.  I think that's when I notice I have to pee or my stomach hurts and I can't get comfortable enough to fall back asleep.
Then I wake up and feel nauseated all day.  It's really fun.  I just wish I could have 24 hours to feel completely normal.  I haven't felt good in at least 3 weeks.