I need helpful advice from someone

I keep making the same mistakes and I don't know how to quite get away from my current I guess boyfriend,,,had a son with him BEEN with him for 3 years ....I've left countless times and even went back countless times , I left again in September and have stayed gone he wouldn't let me work so I had to move in with my parents , anyway we have been through this cycle before where he came over late at night and we would sit in his car ,..well Tonight he came by after harassing me all day saying how he's talkig to my friend behind my back that if I don't text him my friend will he still came than he told me he lied about it and told me to stop acting a certain way, whatever than each time he comes over he has new items in his car like masks the Anonymous mask that is and new clothes ...which he only does this after I leave so...even after that I was talking to him seriously and he turns music up on me and starts singing THAN tells me what are feelings that he will start coming over for only pussy and he has me on a leash and shit...I'm sick of being stuck under this control I'm hurting so badly from this I'm taking it out on people around me, he thinks he controls me he accuses me constantly he won't show me his phone this guy is 26 years old and is constantly. Hiding things from me , when I asked him when he got his new clothes he told me he had them forever I had to literally scream for him to admit they were new , than he wanted to throw out there that living with me was annoying and how nice it is to just go home to his own house...idk why it's so hard for me to let go , I need to and I know I want to...in sick of crying there is so much more to it but I'm so pissed off because this legit just happened ....
He also made mention that if I don't do this or that he will only come over to use me for "pussy" 
THAN calls me and says he is sorry for how he acted and so on ...