Ovulation Window


So, I've been keeping a close eye on my ovulation window and last week the <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android">Glow app</a> showed that I would start ovulating on Tuesday (11/15). I checked the app in the afternoon (11/15) and logged a positive  OPK test. This morning (11/6) I went to update my log after my hubby and I did the BD and my fertile window has completely changed. Now it says that I'm already half way through it. I'd hate to have missed this cycle. Has this happened to anyone else??
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Exactly what Karol said. And to add to that, the days leading up to ovulation are important because that's when you should have EWCM (very fertile) that helps keep the sperm alive for a few days until the egg drops. You want to get BD in the few days prior, and the day of. The egg is only good for 12-24 hours from what I've read but sperm can stay alive inside of you for a few days! Good luck!! Hopefully this is your month!&nbsp;


L- • Nov 16, 2016


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It&apos;s just because you put in a positive opk test so itll change the first day of ovulation you dont get a positive. So you didnt miss it you actually caught it and since you BD you should be fine! Baby dust to you hope its your month!


L- • Nov 16, 2016
Thanks! I was just a little confused because the alert said that my most fertile day would be the 19th.