i feel so ugly. kind of long i needed to vent

before pregnancy i got my nails and toes done biweekly. baby was a surprise so i had to cut those costs out to make sure i could afford his expenses. it didn't bother me at first but now I'm 9 months pregnant and i feel disgusting. i work retail full time so i have callous on my feet from always walking/standing. and on top of it my hair has grown super fast to the point i can barely keep up with it. i really just want to go to a salon to get it done but I can't. and it doesn't help that I'm huge and swollen right now. plus my nose spread and my face is fat from the water weight. then i can't see my vag to shave down there. I'm just ugly right now. I've never felt so down about my looks in my life. i know it's all for a good cause and i love my son already. i just feel so bad that I completely lost myself in this process. sorry for whining but I seriously just needed to vent. I'm debating using my next paycheck to pamper myself but i feel guilty just thinking about it. i hope I'm able to pull myself together once he's born. i feel so depressed lately.