Did I come on too strong? Rhis is a texting conversation so bear with me please!

👣JiLL🦉 • "Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups." - George Carlin
I saw a really cute guy at a party last weekend. We already knew who each other was but we have never fully had a conversation together. Well I decided to message him on Facebook because I wanted to make a move, but I didn't want to do anything past that because I didn't want to come off as aggressive. I sent him a message that said "Hey! How are you?", I was surprised he responded! He responded by saying "I'm good. How are you? What are you up to?" Then I said "Oh nothing much! Do you live near my friends house?" & he said "Yep, I sure do" & then he sent another one that said "How come?" & then I said "I think we should all hang out there more often, so we can all get to know each other better!" & he said "Were you at the bonfire last night?" & I said "Yes I was lol", & he said "I thought that was you lol" & I said "Yes we had to help out inside most of the time! Lol" & he said "Yea I figured lol". Then I never sent back because I didn't want to seem like I was talking too much. I didn't want to come off as needy or desperate, I was trying to make the first move while then giving him space so he has the chance to decide if he wants to pursue me! That was on Monday & it's now Wednesday. My friend is having another bonfire next weekend & I think he will show up to it...how should I act when I see him again?