Balanced diet?

So my mom is on my case about how I'm screwing up my cycle because I'm not eating well (my cycle has been screwed up since it started when I was in high school). 
Yesterday I had: 3 pancakes with whipped butter along with a glass of 2% milk, a baked potato with sour cream, half a cucumber raw, some pepper jack cheese, and half a serving of a frozen pizza (my husband and I shared one of those cheap party pizzas). I had one glass of v8 juice, a glass of chocolate milk, and a little of my husband's soda.
Today: 3 pancakes again, with v8, 1-2 servings of wheat thins (not exactly sure what the amount was. It was my snack driving home), A slice of pizza with a glass of soda, a glass of chocolate milk, and now eating the other half of raw cucumber with another glass of v8.
My mom says I'm not eating enough to have a healthy cycle, but I've gained weight. And this is in addition to daily prenatals. Do you think I'm messing up my chances of getting pregnant?