So I....

I wrote earlier on if I was being petty of not helping my s/o, so now I'm helping him and I feel like a slave, he says, you're moving too slow I need this by tomorrow, blah. We'll damn I just got in from work, 5am to 5pm, can I get a break. He says, "I don't want to hear you're tired, it's just a fuckin excuse"!!!! So it was 10pm and he's like to you have the list I asked for, never mind I'll do it my damn self, I needed this done when you got home, asap!!!! And I was considered petty earlier because I wasn't going to support him because he wasn't there fore me, REALLY!?!?!? Anyways, I'm still getting this mess done for him, yet, I'm not supportive enough nor moving quick enough, yet he's been home all day and I'm petty, lols okay!!!!