Scared about my doc appointment tomorrow😨 trying to stay calm.

Hey ladies I'm nervous about my doc appointment tomorrow because my doc wants to discuss doing a laparoscopy to check for endometriosis. I was wondering if anyone who's had the procedure help me on like what to ask. And too I was thinking can't they do something else like a hsg test to see if my tubes are blocked first...? Because it all started when I went to fertility doc and they did a vaginal ultrasound and pulled my blood and ran tests on it and everything came back fine. So was reffered to this doc to discuss other options and that was the first thing that come out of her mouth was surgery also she said maybe my tubes are blocked and if that's the case can't they do hsg.....? Idk I don't think I'm overreacting, its just I've never had surgery a day in my life, no stitches, no broken bones. Sorry for the long post thank for reading and any help would be nice, thanks ladies.😊