husband dreaming about babies

My husband is asleep next to me and I'm on this app. He woke up and half-asleep said "this is so exciting, I just had a nephew." I said "you had a dream you had a nephew?" Then he mumbled something and says "no, a baby, we had a baby. I love you. That's going to be us." Then he fell back asleep. My DH was dreaming about us having a baby... My heart just felt so full and split open at the same time. 💔
We've been TTC for 4 months with no luck so far. I got off of birth control, had a period, then another period about 4 weeks later, and now I'm on CD54 and nothing. I've given up on OPKs. I have an appointment with my OB/GYN but it isn't until December 20th. I'm pretty sure I have PCOS and just want to be diagnosed so I can find out how to move forward.
I'm so sad. My husband and I want this so badly.